Beyond the Classroom

Learn. Lead. Leverage

In the evolving business landscape, success extends far beyond academic knowledge. Manderson Graduate School of Business emphasizes the importance of learning vital career skills through “Beyond the Classroom” (BTC) events. Participation in BTC events ensures that students not only excel academically but also develop the practical skills and networks necessary for a successful career. Continuing engagement in these events throughout their academic journey will be recognized and celebrated, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to business education.

skills considered most important for graduates to be successful by a share of employers




Communication skills


Strategic thinking


& teamwork






Emotional Intelligence

Graduate Management Admission Council, 2024

What to expect

Traditional MBA students (effective Fall 2024 for the May 2026 Cohort) must attend five Beyond the Classroom events per semester in their first year.

The following courses will incorporate participation into their grading criteria:

  • Fall Semester Core Course: ST 509
  • Spring Semester Core Course: OM 506

In both ST 509 and OM 506, 5% of the overall course grade will be allocated based on participation in BTC events.

Grade Calculation

Full credit (5%) will be awarded to students who attend and participate in five BTC events during the respective semester. No credit (0%) will be given to students who do not meet the requirement of attending five BTC events.

While the formal grade incentive is applied during the first year, students are strongly encouraged to continue attending BTC events in their second year. Attendance and participation will be monitored and tracked throughout their academic tenure. Students who demonstrate exceptional engagement and active involvement in Manderson activities will be recognized for their efforts prior to graduation.

Career Preparation and Education

  • Prepare students for successful entry into the workforce through comprehensive career education and industry insight.
  • Guiding topics:
    • Professional decorum (e.g. managing up, benefits overview, etc.)
    • Salary Negotiation technique
    • Compensation Package Review
    • Niche Industry/Function Spotlights

Professional Recruitment

  • Promote opportunities for students to establish connections with potential employers and secure employment or internships.
  • Event scope:
    • On-campus/virtual interview days
    • Networking Events (Corporate Partners/Alumni)
    • Corporate Information Sessions
    • Alumni Mentorship Opportunities
    • Professional Associations/Conferences

Leadership and Life Skills Development

  • Provide students with essential leadership and life skills necessary for achieving success in both personal and professional endeavors.
  • Guiding topics:
    • Workplace Etiquette
    • Conflict Management
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Personal Branding
    • Effective Communication
    • Time Management
    • Financial Literacy
    • Resilience
    • Collaboration

Get Plugged in

Manderson is dedicated to developing solid, lasting relationships. Become involved on-campus and elevate your educational experience to the next level.

Career Connect Portal

As Manderson student, you have access to Career Connect – a tool designed to assist you with all career advising, exploration, and corporate engagement needs.