Master of Science in Applied Statistics

Cutting edge technology at your fingertips

Gain advanced business intelligence skills through hands-on experience with real projects

Begun over 25 years ago, the Master of Science in Applied Statistics is a highly respected program at the Manderson Graduate School of Business. Students enrolled in the program are presented with an opportunity to acquire and enhance quantitative competencies essential for excelling in contemporary analytical professions. This program is meticulously structured to offer flexibility, thereby enabling learners to tailor their coursework to align with specific career aspirations. The curriculum encompasses a diverse range of subjects, from the foundational principles of statistics to the practical implementation of statistical and data science techniques in real-world scenarios.

The program may present additional opportunities for experiential learning through the University of Alabama’s Institute of Data and Analytics, which oversees the Marillyn A. Hewson Data Analytics Lab. In this state-of-the-art facility, students have access to advanced technological resources and can collaborate with an interdisciplinary cohort of students and faculty on complex data-driven projects. Importantly, the prerequisite for admission to the Master of Science in Applied Statistics program does not mandate a background in business studies.

Van Andel Professor of Business Analytics at Miami University, and Manderson alumnus, visited the College to present her lecture, “Our Tech-Enabled Future: How Enabling Technologies are Shaping the Future of Analytics Practice, Research, and Education.” As a 1998 graduate of the Applied Statistics doctoral program at Culverhouse’s Manderson Graduate School of Business, Jones-Farmer brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion. Discover the cutting-edge insights she shared on the evolving landscape of analytics and its implications for future practice, research, and education.


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What to expect

The program requires 30 hours, half of which are track specific. There are two different tracks within this degree: Data Science and Analytics with five required courses common to both tracks of study.

This program offers general courses:

  • Classical statistical methods
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Regression
  • Multivariate analysis

as well as specialized courses in topics including:

  • Data mining/Predictive modeling

  • Quality control

  • Statistical computing

  • Data Visualization

  • Nonparametric statistics

  • Statistical/Machine learning

You can earn electives in additional coursework with the approval of a faculty advisor. The program of related courses may vary from student to student and depends on your interests and academic background. When most of the coursework is completed, the you must pass a written comprehensive examination OR a professional exam such as the Actuarial P Exam, SAS Predictive Modeler Exam, or the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer Exam.

This program offers robust training in statistics fundamentals and professional development to prepare students for the vibrant job market and foster an interest in analytical research. As a STEM-designated program, APST facilitates up to three years of Optional Practical Training (OPT) for international students on an F-1 visa.

Admission into the Master of Science in Applied Statistics program is offered on a yearly basis.

Below are the requirements of admission into the program:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college
  • Transcripts from all colleges attended
  • A Statement of Purpose outlining your reasons for desiring the degree
  • GRE/GMAT Not required but recommended
  • An up-to-date resume
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • A TOEFL score of at least 90, an IELTS score of at least 7.0, or a PTE score of at least 59 for non-native English speakers who are required to submit an English Language test score.

Special Requirements

As a candidate for admission to applied statistics, you are normally expected to have completed courses in mathematics equivalent to three semesters of undergraduate calculus and to have a working knowledge of computer programming and linear or matrix algebra. 

*Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP) students must meet the minimum admission requirements.

The Master of Science in Applied Statistics is a one-year program, starting in the fall and ending in the spring semester.

The Master of Science degree in Applied Statistics necessitates the completion of 30 credit hours, with half of these being specific to the chosen track. This program encompasses two tracks: Data Science and Analytics. It mandates the completion of five core courses, consistent across both tracks.

Additionally, students can engage in elective coursework, subject to the approval of a faculty advisor. The selection of these elective courses is inherently flexible, designed to accommodate the individual interests and academic backgrounds of each student.

In the final semester preceding graduation, students are required to demonstrate their comprehensive knowledge either through a written examination or by successfully passing a professional examination. Examples of such professional exams include the Actuarial P Exam, the SAS Predictive Modeler Exam, or the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer Exam. This requirement is pivotal in ensuring the readiness and competence of graduates in their respective fields of specialization.

Choose the Non-specific Track or the Statistics or Analytics Track | Total Hours | 30

Required Courses
ST 552Applied Regression Analy3
ST 553Appld Multivariate Analy3
ST 554Math Statistics I3
ST 555Math Statistics II3
ST 560Statistical Methods3


Track I: Data Science Track Required Courses
ST 540Statistical Programming and Computing with R3
ST 545Introduction to Statistical Learning and Data Mining3
ST 547Data Visualization and Analytics in R3


Track II: Analytics Track Required Courses
ST 521Statistical Data Management I3
ST 522Advanced Statistical Data Management3
ST 531Data Mining I3
ST 532Advanced Data Mining3


Learn more about curriculum and electives.

While many students self-finance their studies, we offer some financial aid through a few highly competitive graduate assistantships and scholarships, based on fund availability and merit.

To be considered for financial aid and scholarships, a minimum GPA of 3.5, and requisite test scores (GRE, minimum overall score of 305 with at least 155 in the quantitative section; GMAT minimum 550) are necessary. Apply by June 1, 2024, for a full consideration for fall 2024. Late applications may be considered depending on the availability of resources.

Typical graduate tuition rates apply for both in-state and out-of-state students. Learn about the tuition and cost of attending graduate school at The University of Alabama.

Manderson students who have completed the Master of Science in Applied Statistics program have been employed at:

  • McKinsey & Co.
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Regions Bank
  • HCA
  • SAS
  • Alabama Power
  • The University of Alabama
  • and many more companies!

with Data

Students can access the Marillyn A. Hewson Data Analytics Lab, where they can utilize state-of-the-art data analysis technology in a collaborative environment, along with other services with the Institute of Data and Analytics.


This premier event brings together professionals from both areas to create a collaborative environment where knowledge and expertise are shared. The symposium showcases current analytic practices used in various industries and highlights the latest methodological advances developed within academic research.

No Business
Bachelor's Needed

Students do not need a business degree to
earn an MS in Applied Statistics. Learn
more about the requirements of the
Master of Science in Applied Statistics
Program in the course catalog.

Ready to apply?

  1. Review your specific program’s admissions materials and requirements.
  2. Login and complete your application.
  3. Check your application to verify your application status and upload additional materials.

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