Engaging our Students

A mark of our future professionals is their commitment to community and development, and our MBAs take the initiative to be leaders of several noteworthy organizations on campus. It’s yet another way our MBAs diversify their talents and get them one step closer to sharpening the bottom line. In addition, the Manderson Graduate of Business is dedicated to developing solid, lasting relationships. Listed below are a few opportunities for students to become involved on-campus and elevate their educational experiences to the next level.

MBAA: The MBA Association

The MBA Association is a student-governed organization serving students pursuing the Master of Business Administration. The organization is committed to providing service to the state of Alabama and a social and professional network for our current and past members. From tailgates to building Habitat for Humanity houses to hosting professional speakers, the MBAA is a well-rounded arm of the MBA program. 

Advisor: Meaghan James

NBMBAA: National Black MBA Association

The Manderson Chapter of the National Black MBA Association is dedicated to developing partnerships that result in the creation of intellectual and economic wealth in the community. In collaboration with over 400 of the country’s top business organizations, the association has made inroads into a wide range of industries and the public and private sectors. The organization allows members to attend one of the largest career fairs in the country as well as a nationally recognized business case competition (in which our case team participates annually). An example of their initiatives is where Manderson students helped establish a resume workshop to assist children in Tuscaloosa County Schools.

AdvisorIsaiah Young

Manderson Case Team

Suppose you like developing a strategy under high pressure. Working in teams and presenting innovative ideas, Case Team may be for you! Established in 2015, Manderson’s Case Team has won several competitions, including the 2018 Race and Case, 2017 National Black MBA Association’s Graduate Case Competition, and the 2019 SEC MBA Case Competition. Our team works together all year, competing near Disney World, literally on the ski slopes, and more, culminating with the coveted conference championship in the spring. Members will tell you it’s time-consuming yet incredibly rewarding, fun, and ultimately worth it.

Plus, the over $100,000 in prize money won in the past five years doesn’t hurt!

Contact Quoc Hoang for all inquiries about Case Team.

MWIB:  Manderson Women In Business

MWIB aims to provide a place for women in the Manderson School of Business to build a strong professional network, develop leadership skills, and empower others to succeed. We strive to advance women into leadership in business-related fields by providing various career development opportunities. We partner with Turning Point, a local agency that provides shelter and services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, to provide resume and interview prep services to women in Turning Point shelters and advance awareness of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Advisor: Meaghan James

The Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association is dedicated to establishing and solidifying the rights of students pursuing advanced degrees. So often, these students are overlooked at academic institutions in terms of funding, resources, and other amenities afforded to those working towards undergraduate degrees. For example, the board of directors has tabled the topic of federal taxation on graduate assistantships and fellowships. It is in the process of determining whether lobbying efforts should be pursued to eliminate these taxes to bring valuable leadership into the workforce without overburdening it.

Contact GSA@UA.EDU for all inquiries about the Graduate Student Association.

MSMA:  Manderson Specialized Masters Association

MSMA is a professional development and collaborative network for students enrolled in specialized masters programs in the Manderson Graduate School of Business. Special focus is given to professional development, career opportunity networking, and social collaboration. 

Email MSMA@ua.edu for all inquiries about MSMA. 

Advisor: April Ingram

The Data Analytics Club

The Data Analytics Club brings together students who aspire to pursue a career in analytics, data science, or statistics. Data science continuously changes at a pace much faster than current curriculum standards. The Data Analytics Club seeks to fill the gap. Students close the gap by teaching each other coding languages and various problem-solving methods. An example is a beginner-level Python working group that meets separately from the regular club meeting. Additionally, the club provides seminars on data science topics like data mining and machine learning. Meetings are held in the Marillyn A. Hewson Data Analytics Lab throughout the semester. Professionals in various industries that regularly use analytics and data science to make business decisions are scheduled to meet with the club.

Advisor: Steven Samsel

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Culverhouse Chapter

INFORMS serves the scientific and professional needs of Analytics Professionals and Operations Researchers, including educators, scientists, students, managers, analysts, and consultants. In addition, the Institute serves as a focal point for analytics and O.R. professionals, permitting them to communicate with each other and reach out to other professional societies, as well as the varied clientele of the profession’s research and practice.

Advisor: Nickolas Freeman

Culverhouse Real Estate Society

The Culverhouse Real Estate Society (CRES) is sponsored by the Alabama Center for Real Estate. The student organization is open to all undergraduates, graduates, and alumni interested in real estate. Our goal is to promote professional excellence through communication between the academic and business communities, to assist students in the transition into careers, and to develop future leaders in the real estate industry.

Advisor: Dr. Alan Tidwell

Culverhouse Out For Business

Culverhouse Out for Business is an organization that aims to build an LGBTQ+ network in Culverhouse and connect students to diversity-related initiatives and supportive employers. This group is open to allies and students of all majors across the university.

Advisor: Keely Latopolsk