Digital/Social Media Marketing
Graduate Certificate

More Than a Trend

The Digital/Social Media Marketing certificate program involves a deep dive into the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, with courses in marketing strategy, digital/social media marketing strategy, digital marketing analytics, and advanced digital marketing. Students earning a graduate certificate in digital/social media marketing will be prepared to contribute to the digital marketing efforts of firms in nearly every industry.

  • Program Delivery: Main Campus & Distance Learning
  • Admit Term(s):
    • Main Campus Program: Fall, Spring
    • Distance Learning Program: Fall, Spring
  • Note: Due to course sequencing, it is recommended that non-Manderson students begin the program in the Fall.

What to expect

Current Manderson Graduate School of Business Students

  • All current students in good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher) enrolled in a graduate degree program within the Manderson Graduate School of Business are eligible to be considered for admission to a graduate certificate program after one full semester of completed coursework. Current graduate students may combine their degree with a graduate certificate. Courses completed for the certificate may be applied towards the elective requirements.

Non-Manderson Students or Working Professionals

  • To be considered for admission, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. Previous academic history, one letter of recommendation, demonstrated motivation and aptitude to undertake graduate-level work, and professional experience are all taken into consideration.
  • To apply, you must complete an application and provide transcripts from each undergraduate and graduate academic institution as well as a professional resume, one letter of recommendation from an individual that can assess your readiness for a Master’s level certificate program, and a statement of purpose. GMAT or GRE scores are not needed.
  • No transfer credit is accepted
  • NOTE: Students who are enrolled in a certificate program and not in a master’s, doctoral, or Educational Specialist program will be classified as non-degree students. For more information on the academic policies regarding graduate certificates, applicants can refer to the UA Graduate Catalog.
  • Minimum Required Hours: 12 credit hours
  • All 12 credit hours earned in this certificate program may be used directly toward the completion of the MS, Marketing degree program.
  • The overlap of the certificate with the associated degree program is intentional as the certificate may serve as a stepping stone to the full M.S, Marketing degree program for those that are non-degree students. This is a stackable credential approach to graduate education that offers individuals knowledge advancement and flexibility.

Required Courses

Course Code and Title


MKT 540

Intro to Digital/Social Media (Fall only)


MKT 542

Digital/Social Media Analytics (Spring only)


MKT 543

Adv Digital and Social Media (Spring only)


MKT 518 or

Mkting Mgmt & Decision Making (MBA Students only)


MKT 587

Advanced Market Strategies (Fall only)

Total Hours