Tag: University of Alabama Executive MBA

Paulk Reflects on Honor to Serve as President of the EMBA Alumni Network

Ben Paulk and Beckie Crawford at EMBA Alumni Conference & Business Analytics Symposium in October 2016.
Ben Paulk and Beckie Crawford at EMBA Alumni Conference & Business Analytics Symposium in October 2016.

As is often the case, whenever we stop to reflect on the past year, it seems to have gone by so fast. We rarely notice time as it is passing with all of the things going on in our busy lives. And so it is as the Culverhouse College of Commerce Executive MBA Alumni Network at The University of Alabama turns the page on another year.

Looking back, your board accomplished a lot. We held events, like the tailgate, lunches, and family day, where people got to network while having a great time. We contributed to continuing education by hosting our annual conference and participating in various activities with the University, including the Business Analytics Symposium. We have supported the development of the Executive MBA Program by recruiting exceptional prospective students and promoting a new endowed scholarship. We also welcomed our newest class of alumni in the spring.
It was an honor to serve as President of our EMBA Alumni Network, but it was a greater honor to work with your Board of Directors. Each person put forth a great effort to further the mission of the EMBA Alumni Network.

I want to especially thank Mike Ross (TEMBA 1989) our former president and Beckie Crawford (TEMBA 2013), our former secretary-treasurer. Their service and leadership has helped us make great strides over the past few years.

Ben Paulk and his son Carter at the 2016 A-Day Game at the University of Alabama.

While we have accomplished a lot, I feel that our network is only just beginning to fulfill its potential. I would urge everyone in the EMBA Alumni Network to get involved in any way that you can, whether it’s attending an event, contributing to the endowment, or just promoting the EMBA program to your colleagues.

We have many opportunities in the years ahead and you have elected some wonderful individuals who will carry on this important work. I look forward to working with the current Board as we build on the momentum we have created.
Roll Tide!

Benjamin Paulk (TEMBA 2012) served as President of the EMBA Alumni Network Board for 2016 and is currently serving as 2017 Past President on the board.

For more information on The University of Alabama EMBA Program, contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205.348.4501.

Predictive Modeling and Data Mining Trends Highlights EMBA Alumni Network Conference

This year the Executive MBA Alumni Network held its Annual Conference in conjunction with the Culverhouse College of Commerce’s Business Analytics Symposium.  EMBA alumni and students joined over 200 attendees on October 13-14 at the Bryant Conference Center at The University of Alabama. Two keynote speakers and 10 sessions at the 2016 Executive MBA conference offered insights on exploring analytics in today’s corporate world as well as emerging trends in forecasting and predictive modeling and their implications for business. Sessions also covered operations research, data mining and statistics and their usage in fields including sports, healthcare, weather and finance.

James Spann addressing attendees at UA EMBA Conference.

Peter Keating, a senior writer at ESPN kicked off the symposium sharing stories from his “Numbers” column covering statistics which rate pro teams, NCAA tournament upsets and his pioneering work on concussions exposing how the National Football League deals with brain injuries.
Martha Hoover Crombie of The Crombie Group, a leading healthcare data consultant exposed the participants to RealTime Medicare Data where you are able to virtually walk with people as they progress from the doctor’s office to the emergency room, and from the operating table to the hospital bed.

Keynote speaker James Spann transported us back to the tragic Super Tornado Outbreak of April 27 in Alabama that claimed 64 lives including six University of Alabama students. Spann’s words were powerful as he cautioned to never forget that “there are people behind the numbers.”

TEMBA 2016 graduates (L-R) Erik Spencer, Aaron Craddock and Pritha Powell.

The annual conference is an excellent way for our alumni to recommit themselves to their educational development and collegiate network. Seeing all the people, feeling the energy and learning about everyone’s success stories, as well as their challenges, can energize and motivate.

According to Pritha Powell (TEMBA 2016), Vice President, Corporate Marketing Strategist at Regions Financial Corporation, “The Business Analytics Symposium was an informative event that I would highly encourage others to attend. The sessions were led by forward-thinking and inspirational leaders from a wide-variety of industries. It was also a great opportunity to reconnect with classmates and meet other EMBA alumni and current students. I look forward to attending it again next year!”

2015-2016 EMBA Alumni Network Board members Ben Paulk and Beckie Crawford.

In addition, there were tracks on data science and how to build a startup, analytics leadership, applications in banking, marketing and sales, and results from the Dow Challenge and MERCK National Student Competitions winners. The conference also featured the Executive MBA Alumni Network Dinner highlighting the “Year in Review” of alumni events held throughout 2016 by outgoing President Ben Paulk, and our 2017 Plans for the Future by incoming Board President Russell Shamburger.

The 2016 Board members were recognized as well as board members transitioning off this year: Beckie Crawford (TEMBA 2013), Vice President-Finance with Southern Medical Health Systems, who served as Secretary-Treasurer and Michael Ross (TEMBA 1989), Central Region President & Chief Commercial Officer for Renasant Corporation and Past President of EMBA Alumni Network Board.

EMBA alumni enjoyed seeing their faculty at the evening reception. (L-R) Russ Elrod, Dr. Lonnie Strickland and Jennifer Thomas.

The 2017 Board Members:
Russell Shamburger (TEMBA 2004), President
Ben Paulk (TEMBA 2012), Past President
Mike Brost (HEMBA 2015)
Russ Elrod (HEMBA 2013)
Jennifer Thomas (TEMBA 2014)

The EMBA Alumni Network’s annual conference is still a key event that our alumni find great value in attending. We continue to think strategically about the educational and networking events that we hold throughout the year. These programs are not something we take lightly because we understand it has potential implications and huge benefits for our members. So for those of you who attended this year’s conference, I hope you find a way to sustain the excitement, the vibrancy that you felt, and use it as motivation to make the 2017 conference an important event to attend and to encourage classmates to join us next year. For those of you who could not make the conference this year, we look forward to seeing you next year. Roll Tide UA EMBAs!

Roll Tide UA EMBA Alumni at the 2016 EMBA Alumni Network Annual Conference and Business Analytics Symposium.

Donna Blackburn, Director, Executive MBA Program

For more information on the UA EMBA Program and the EMBA Alumni Network, contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205.348.4501.

EMBA’s First Endowed Scholarship

Brian Rankin, EMBA 2004, has generously donated and established the very first endowed scholarship for The University of Alabama Executive MBA Program. The Brian A. Rankin Executive MBA Endowed Scholarship will be used to assist students with necessary supplemental funds to aid them in funding their tuition and obtaining their degree.

Rankin is the Vice President, Deputy General Counsel of Comcast Corporation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has been in this position for almost 11 years, but has been in the telecommunications industry since 1989. He graduated from Illinois State University in 1983 with a degree in Political Science and History, before attending DePaul University College of Law. Rankin graduated from The University of Alabama Executive MBA Program in 2004 where he graduated with honors.

He is a veteran of the US Army and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service.Rankin works for a number of community organizations, including as a pro bono volunteer for Philadelphia Law Works. He also works as pro bono legal counsel for Sojourners, which is a national anti-poverty organization; and serves on the Vestry of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Philadelphia. He and his wife, Soozung Sa Rankin, are a host family for Curtis Institute of Music international students.

The scholarship will be given priority to students who are unconditionally accepted into the Executive MBA Program.
“We would like to thank Brian Rankin for his generous donation and are profoundly honored by his choice to support the Executive MBA Program,” said Donna Blackburn, Director of EMBA.

For more information on the UA EMBA Program, contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205.348.4501.

EMBA Program Welcomes Ninth Huntsville Class

With summer winding down and fall just around the corner, many students are getting ready to go back to school. The EMBA Program is no exception and has begun another academic year by welcoming the ninth Huntsville cohort at the UA campus in Tuscaloosa for orientation and their first day of classes.

On Wednesday, August 10, the new class got to know their classmates and teammates better, were instructed on university logistics TEMBAs on Crimson Rideand participated in a campus-wide team-building scavenger hunt. The full day was capped off with a dinner at the Hotel Capstone where the class mingled with professors, staff and alumni. Benjamin Paulk (TEMBA 2012) and Russell Shamburger (TEMBA 2004) represented the EMBA Alumni Network Board.

Following orientation, the students began their first semester classes on Thursday and Friday with Accounting, Statistics, Marketing and Project Management.

This year’s Huntsville class is composed of seasoned professionals from a variety of industries, including defense, healthcare, and manufacturing. Some other industries represented in this year’s cohort are services, telecom and construction. The average age for the Huntsville class is 41, and the average work experience is 19 years, with 12 years being management experience. Sixty-seven percent of the class are managers in their jobs and 20% are C-level/VP/Owners. Twenty-seven percent of the class has military experience, ranging from current active duty to retired service members.

“Although students take classes one weekend a month in Huntsville for twenty-one months beginning in September, it is great to get them on the UA campus to meet faculty and alumni at orientation,” said Director Donna Blackburn. Some HEMBA students in the past haven’t been able to visit the campus, so this is an excellent way to help them fully acquaint themselves with The University of Alabama.

Everyone is excited and ready to get started. The alumni were especially eager to welcome this new class into the program and see them thrive over the next twenty-one months.

The 2018 H-EMBA class are:

Colton Campbell, Otis Elevator Company

Chemeka Dabney, LP Building Products

Daryl Evans, TotalPrint

Lacey Hyche, Oral Arts Dental Laboratories

Eric Janssen, SportMed

Pete Kerr, ADTRAN, Inc

Nancy Laster, Piedmont Healthcare

Brian Lee, Sentry Insulation

Andy Maguire, Tennessee National Guard

Mario McKinnon, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company

John Meshensky, ManTech International

Rachel Smith, WOW! Business

Carl Vasilko, PAE

Tory Wiles, SAIC

Tyler Williams, Parker Hannifin Corporation

For more information on the UA EMBA Program, contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205-348-4501.

Former EMBA Alumni Network President Named to Top 50 Over 50 in Birmingham

151136_MW_emba_alumni_network_board_membersMike Ross (EMBA 1989) was named to Positive Maturity’s Top 50 Over 50 List.  According to the Birmingham Business Journal, this honor recognizes individuals who are exhibiting a high level of success in their careers, civic engagement or personal lives, as well as making a measurable impact on their communities through their work. “I am honored and humbled to be recognized by an organization such as Positive Maturity,” said Ross, “It’s support of our aging population is a model for us all in terms of the importance of giving back to our fellow man in need.”

The list also includes several high profile civic and business leaders in the Birmingham metro area and celebrities such as the Crimson Tide Radio Network’s own, Eli Gold.  In addition to Ross, other Culverhouse College of Commerce alumni named to the list were retired Community Activist Joel Rotenstreich, and Jeffrey Bayer, President and CEO of Bayer Industries and Culverhouse College of Commerce Board of Visitor member.

“We are thrilled to have Mike recognized for his many contributions,” said Donna Blackburn, Director of UA EMBA Program, “he has always and continues to support and assist our program, students and alumni whenever and wherever needed.” Ross currently serves as the Central Region President and Chief Commercial Officer at Renasant Corporation. Ross was also a finalist for the Birmingham Business Journal’s 2015 CEO of the Year and was named to BHMBIZ Magazine’s list of 205 Influential Executives. He has also been very active with our EMBA Alumni Network, serving on the board as President in 2015 and Past President this year.

For more information on the EMBA Program at The University of Alabama, contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205.348.4501.

Roll Tide Welcome for Incoming TEMBA Class of 2017

151107_MW_executive_mba_orientation_photosThe Culverhouse College of Commerce welcomed the incoming Tuscaloosa Executive MBA Class of 2017 at orientation on The University of Alabama campus on November 19. The 30 students enjoyed a kickoff reception the night before at Hotel Capstone. Interim Dean Brian Gray welcomed them to campus where they will pursue an M.B.A. degree over the next 17 months.

The incoming TEMBA class has an average age of 35 and 13 years of work experience. Thirty-three percent of the class is female (the average for EMBA Programs worldwide is 27.6 percent, according to the EMBA Council). The class represents a diverse range of industries from finance, government and non-profit, healthcare, manufacturing, defense, consulting, energy, construction, media, services, engineering and technology. In addition, 20 percent are military, 73 percent managers, 10 percent professionals and 20 percent are vice president/c-level/owners.


TEMBA Class of 2017 students in front of UA Manderson Graduate School of Business during the orientation scavenger hunt.

During orientation the students are divided into the teams they will work in during the program. The EMBA forms teams based on several parameters including professional and academic background, skill sets, goals and personality testing. Students had sessions on values, building their team charters, University processes, career development and an introduction to statistics.

Teams also competed in a scavenger hunt later in the day where they sought out campus landmarks for photo ops. “It’s a fun way to get to know the campus and build relationships with their team and classmates,” said Linda Cox, Program Assistant for EMBA.

The orientation concluded with a dinner hosted by the Executive MBA Alumni Network. Network President Ben Paulk greeted the incoming class and congratulated them on their journey. “The EMBA Program is a life changing experience and if you embrace it, the opportunity is there to build a great professional network and to make lasting friendships,” said Paulk.

The students will return to campus December 1 for a week-long immersion to begin their first semester Statistics, Marketing, Accounting and Project Management courses.

Congratulations and Roll Tide TEMBA Class of 2017:

  • Ruqayyah Abdullah, BBVA Compass
  • Michael Adams, Randall-Reilly
  • Katie Askew, The University of Alabama
  • Brady Baird, Summerville United Methodist Church
  • Brett BiaLowas, PPG Industries
  • Jay Brooks II, Tag Grinding
  • Stephen Buzzell, Grammer, Inc.
  • Christie Davis, Northport Police Department
  • Sierra Earle, USAmeriBank
  • Monte Green, McLeod Software
  • Matt Hartley, Chemetall
  • Billy Helmandollar, DCH Health System
  • Mary Scott Hunter, Intuitive Research
  • Doug Lafont, TAMKO Building Products
  • Walt Long, US Air Force, MAFB
  • Anuraag Malaviya, Tata Consultancy Services
  • Frazer McCurdy, ServisFirst Bank
  • Hayley Ray McNeill, The University of Alabama
  • Bridgette Montgomery, VA Medical Center
  • Natasha Moore, Horne LLP
  • Sean O’Brien, UPS
  • Bryan Sanders, DaVita Kidney Care
  • Jason Sellars, The University of Alabama
  • Lilly Setiawan, The Dutch Group
  • Dane Shaw, Arsenal Place Accelerator
  • Ryan Stallings, First South Farm Credit
  • Will Stroup, The  Brogdon Group
  • Josh Vinson, Parallon Business Solutions
  • Beth Webster, Small Business Development Center
  • Rich Winstead, US Navy

For more information on the Executive MBA Program at The University of Alabama contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205-348-4501 or visit our website at www.emba.ua.edu.
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EMBA Elite Spotlight: Nathan Chilcutt

Nathan ChilcuttProgram: Tuscaloosa EMBA (Class of 2013)

Education: Georgia Institute of Technology, BS, Building Construction; University of Alabama, M.B.A.

Previous Occupations/Experience: President, Housing Inc.; Vice President, New Home Building Stores

Current Occupation: Culverhouse College of Commerce, University of Alabama, Instructor, Operations Management

Why did you decide to teach?

I’ve always enjoyed teaching. I’ve always found myself in a position of being a trainer and leaning toward teaching, whether it was coaching or Sunday School or at work. I’ve always enjoyed mentoring others and just kept pursuing the decision to teach.

Did an EMBA professor help you decide to begin teaching or impact your teaching methods? 

As far as helping me decide to start teaching, I’d say Dr. King in his Leadership class helped tremendously, and Dr. Strickland in his Strategy class helped lay out the path. Others, like Drs. Dulek, Ellinger, Albright, and Gray, whose personalities, temperaments, and ways of handling difficult course content and making them easier, showed me I could do this and take industry experience and apply it to the classroom.

Why did you enroll in the Tuscaloosa EMBA program? 

They accepted me! Seriously, the cost and national reputation was part of it, and it’s close. We were here; my wife teaches at the University. I looked elsewhere, and I just wanted a campus experience instead of an online experience. I’m teaching an online Introduction to Operations Management class now and I don’t see how people do it!

What was your favorite experience in EMBA? 

Just the fellow students and being able to interact with peers. I was kind of the old guy, and it was nice to see that I had life and business experience that I could use to improve and to help others with some of their business and class problems. Age has its benefits and I can actually bring something to the table!

What has been the most interesting part of teaching?

The volume of work required! It’s been a good thing, but I’ve been an adjunct before, and it’s always been one or two classes and I’ve been surprised at the volume of work that’s necessary to do it well. There’s a great deal that goes on in the background that you don’t even think of until you’re teaching. It’s great to do and it’s a tremendous and worthwhile experience. Dealing with the students is a lot of fun, even the tough ones!

According to former students of Nathan Chilcutt’s:

  • “Hands down one of the best teachers in the business school!”
  • “Like all good teachers, he was less focused on what the book had to say and more focused on what we needed to know for real life applications.”
  • “Professor Chilcutt is one of the most helpful professors I have had at this university.”

What advice would you give to current EMBA students? 

Get to know your professors on a personal level, don’t just deal with them in class. Personal interaction is key; it’s amazing what these people can present to you and provide and want to provide because they want to give something. Get to know and interact with your classmates, ask a lot of questions and just be be open to the experience, that’s the greatest thing-just be a part of it.
For more information on the Executive MBA Program at The University of Alabama, contact Cheryl Altemara at 205.348.4501.
More Spotlight Articles

University of Alabama Welcomes HEMBA 2017 Class

150812_MW_emba_classFall on the University of Alabama campus is exciting as new and returning students arrive. There is cooler weather and talk of classes, faculty and football, and not necessarily in that order.  From Denny Chimes to the Bryant-Denny Stadium, from the President’s Mansion to the Ferguson Center (Ferg), from Coleman Coliseum to the Park at Manderson Landing along the Black Warrior River, The University of Alabama is welcoming its students.

On August 12, the Culverhouse College of Commerce greeted the new Huntsville EMBA Class of 2017 with its first orientation at UA. The HEMBA Program began in 2008. In the past, students would take classes on the UAHuntsville campus and only come to Tuscaloosa for graduation. We wanted to do something different this year and have them begin their 21-month, five-semester experience with the Capstone. For many it was their first time on campus.

Freind A pic
Over the two-and-a-half day orientation, the students met with their first semester faculty, participated in team building, and met with the Executive MBA Alumni Board. They also spent time seeing some of the sites and meeting other alumni and students on campus while involved in a team challenge scavenger hunt. They also nailed down the “Rammer Jammer” and “Roll Tide” cheers and are looking forward to a tailgate this fall in T-Town.

Dean Brian Gray (right) welcomes Jimmy Hassan (HEMBA 2017)

The students represent companies such as PPG Industries, ADTRAN, Infosys, Nissan North America, Sikorsky Aircraft, Southern Telecom, Amerex Corporation, the US Army, Northrop Grumman, and the Missile Defense Agency. The defense and manufacturing agencies are hugely represented in this cohort, with 28% and 24% of the students working in them, respectively. Other industries include finance, technology, healthcare/pharmaceutical, retail, telecom, construction, real estate and services.

The class reflects more diversity in terms of educational backgrounds. 43% of the students who just joined the program graduated with undergraduate degrees in engineering, followed by 29% with liberal arts degrees, 19% with business degrees, and 10% with science/math degrees. The average age is 37 with an average of 15 years of work experience. We also have 38% of our students coming from a military background.


Incoming students have goals to develop and further their career, develop business skills, further their mentoring and leadership skills, pursue financial security, own a business, have an impact on their company, become a better manager and motivator, and travel and work abroad.

Please join us in welcoming our HEMBA Class of 2017:

Ryan Burch, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Felicia Craig, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Jason Deane, Nucor Steel

Chuck Freind, Amerex Corporation

Sonya Harner, Nissan North America

Jimmy Hassan, Dayton Superior Corporation

Rodney Hoover, DRS Technology

Shane Jackson, AMRDEC

Ray Morris, VentureSouth

Barry Navarre, Southern Telecom

Gaurav Negi, ADTRAN, Inc.

Phillip Patterson, Stutts Properties, Inc.

Nicole Reynolds, Zero Point Frontiers

Joshua Rountree, Nissan North America

Will Stinson, TotalPrint, DEX Company

Joe Taylor, PPG Industries

Bhuwan Thakur, Infosys Limited

Josh Vinson, Parallon Business Solutions

Dustin Whited, MDA/ECM

Nirvana Williams, ENDO Pharmaceuticals

Matt Zepp, Department of the Army

For more information on the Culverhouse Executive MBA Program, click on EMBA or contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu or call 205.348.4501.

EMBA Women’s Leadership Luncheon Addresses Changing Landscape of Healthcare Industry

2015 WLL Panelist (l-r): Dr. Anne-Laura Cook, Beckie Crawford, Vanessa Pettway, and Dr. Lisa Mani



On March 11, a panel of leaders in the healthcare industry addressed the Culverhouse College of Commerce Executive MBA Women’s Leadership Luncheon at the Summit Club in downtown Birmingham. The panel moderator was Beckie Crawford (TEMBA 2013), Vice President of Finance for Southern Medical Health Systems. The panelists included Dr. Anne-Laura Cook, Ambulatory Network Consultant/Hospitalist, Baptist Health System; Vanessa Pettway (TEMBA 2015), Region Operations Manager, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical; and Dr. Lisa Mani (MBA 2006) Physician-Consultant in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

TEMBA 2012 graduates Ben Paulk, Joshua Meeks and Allyson Welch at WLL event.

The panel discussion centered around the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and its impact across the healthcare industry.  In addition, the speakers addressed advanced innovations and new business models as methods for businesses to adapt in a very volatile market. The panel engaged the audience in a discussion on the “triple aim” of healthcare reform: decrease costs, improve outcomes and improve the patient experience. Finally, questions from the audience spurred the dialogue into many areas.

Audience members included alumni, prospective students, members of the Women’s Exchange, leaders from various industries and members of the EMBA staff. “This was a really great topic and the discussion comes at an opportune moment for everyone working in various sectors of the healthcare industry. It was very insightful,” said Joshua Meeks (TEMBA 2012), Director of Network Operations with Cigna-HealthSpring.

Tabitha Bostick, Mary Ellen Capps and Linda Brooks Geiss

Founded in 2011, the Women’s Leadership Luncheon is an annual event established by the Culverhouse College of Commerce Executive MBA Program at the University of Alabama to bring professional women together to network and discuss business and leadership issues.

For more information on the Executive MBA Program or to schedule an interview or attend an upcoming event, please contact Cheryl Altemara at caltemara@cba.ua.edu of 205.348.4501.

EMBA Elite Spotlight: Alumni Network President Mike Ross

Mike RossMike Ross, the Culverhouse College of Commerce Executive MBA Alumni Network President, also serves as Chief Commercial Officer and Eastern Region President of Renasant Bank. After earning his Bachelor of Science from the Culverhouse College of Commerce at The University of Alabama in 1986, he returned just a few years later to earn his Masters from our Executive MBA program in 1989. Mike believes that the program was critically important to his early advancement into senior and executive management. “The additional practice I gained through my course work gave me an early advantage over most of my peers in the industry from an early stage (I was a young 23 years old when I started the program!)” Mike said.

After his oldest son began his freshman year at The University of Alabama, Mike decided to run for UA EMBA Alumni Network President because he wanted to give more to his Alma Mater. As President, Mike plans to focus on enhancing participation and communication from his fellow alumni by hosting additional events for networking and reconnecting.

First up will be the kick off for the EMBA’s 30th Anniversary, a Rooftop Reception at the Renasant Bank in downtown Tuscaloosa on April 17.  “We are extremely excited to have Mr. Ross and Renasant Bank host our 30th Anniversary event at their new bank,” said Donna Blackburn, director of the EMBA Program.  “Showcasing our achievements since 1985, along with our alumni, students and corporate sponsors such as Renasant is an honor and we look forward to a grand evening.”

“To members of the Network,” Mike said, “please consider proactively reaching out to your classmates and encourage them to participate. We would welcome feedback from anyone as to how we can make the Alumni Network more attractive and beneficial to its members. Also, please send us any news as to major events, promotions, and/or career changes you have made. The success of our members in their lives and careers is the best indicator of the value of the program. The more we can help promote the success of our members, the more valuable all of our degrees become.”

“To prospective new students,” Mike continued, “the EMBA Program at the University of Alabama will change your life forever. The skills you will learn, the experiences you will encounter, and the work ethic that you will adopt will serve you and your families well for the rest of your life. If you have a desire to set yourself apart from your competition in the workplace, please consider submitting an application.”

For more information about the Executive MBA Program at The University of Alabama, contact Cheryl Altemara at 205.348.5401 or request information here.